Relationships, Dear Boy…
Relationships, Dear Boy… Harold Macmillan, UK Prime Minister in the 1960s was once asked by a journalist what was the most difficult thing about being Prime Minister. His reply: “Events dear boy, events.” It may be unfashionable to say so but the most difficult thing...
The Post Office: Lessons in Media
With thanks to The Cog Blog. "One of the unintentionally hilarious things about LinkedIn is the number of earnest posts telling us all what we can learn from this event or that occurrence. ‘5 Things Every Marketer Should Take From King Charles’ Coronation’. The fact...
Should You Be Using TikTok For B2B Marketing?
B2B marketers are increasingly targeting younger, digital-first audiences on social media platforms, as noted in Insider Intelligence's B2B Digital Ad Spend Forecast 2023 report. While LinkedIn and Meta will account for a combined 42.2% of US B2B digital ad spend in...
The Biggest Global Consumer Trends in 2024, Webinar November 16th 2023
When: November 16, 2023 14:00 EST, GMT, and SST Where: Virtual Session Which consumer trends are set to impact brands in 2024? How can you get ahead of them to nail your marketing, product, and business strategy? Join GWI for an unmissable webinar...
Google’s Update Targets Spam, But Marketers Can Still Use AI
Google’s latest core update took direct aim at generative AI spam, so can marketers still use generative AI to create content? In short, yes. The new core update focuses on decluttering spam from search. Google is targeting sites using generative AI to mass produce...
Elevate Your Workplace Communication Game This Year
This week's blog comes courtesy of our friends at Make Happy. We've all been there, that moment of hesitation before approaching a colleague with feedback, or that uncomfortable feeling when discussing complex issues at work. We often choose to delay or sidestep these...
The Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2024
The days of CEOs steering the ship solo are gone; it’s the consumers who hold the rudder now, directing brands toward personal, lightning-fast, and engaging experiences. 2024 promises to be a whirlwind of trends that will shape how marketing plays out. Brandwatch has...
Celebrating 46 Years in Marketing – by ChatGPT
So I thought it might be fun on my birthday (don't ask, I've decided to act my shoe size not my age from now on, sorry Prince) to ask ChatGPT to write this week's blog. My prompts were "celebrate 46 years in marketing on my birthday, and make it funny". After all, if...
The Cost of Living and Changing Consumer Behavior
How has consumer behavior changed, and what does this mean for brands? The rising cost and prices in many sectors have a significant influence on how consumers buy and also how brands operate. People are looking for ways to save money, and the high energy prices are...
Consumer Loyalty Report Jan 2024
If you’re curious about what really keeps consumers coming back to your brand, take a look at the Braze Consumer Research Report. Braze surveyed more than 2,200 consumers to uncover consumer preferences and trends when it comes to loyalty. Download the report to get...
Feeding the Monster – The Tyranny of Big Numbers
Earlier this month Brian Jacobs chaired the advertising session at the annual asi video and audio measurement conference in Nice. This post is based on his opening remarks. "This session is all about looking at the world of audience measurement from an advertising,...
Over 60% of UK Marketers Believe Consumer Segmentation is Outdated and Oversimplified
Over sixty per cent of UK marketers believe consumer segmentation – the categorisation of customers based on shared traits – is an outdated method of marketing, with 63% considering it totally unfit for purpose. That’s according to new research from enterprise...
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