A very interesting article last week from the Intellectual Property team at Osborne Clark. On 29 April 2020, the English High Court handed down its eagerly awaited judgement in Sky plc v SkyKick UK Ltd, holding that Sky has succeeded in its claim of infringement by...
This week’s post comes with thanks to our friends at Cog Blog, from where these thoughts are taken almost verbatim, and firstly looks at the many opinions, articles and webinars on how marketers should go about weathering the coming economic recession. These come...
So you’re a Zoom expert now, right? Meetings, Family Get Togethers, Pub Quizzes, Parties, Raves (or is that just me?). In fact you’re probably sick to death of trying to curate your bedroom or study so that your clients don’t see the pile of dirty...
No. Well, I would say that, wouldn’t I? There are actually many, many research reports over the years that have proved conclusively that businesses who continue to invest in marketing always (always) come out of a recession stronger than their competitors....
If, like me, you are a NED actively looking for new roles at the moment, there’s no need to put your search on hold during the current lockdown. There are many online resources not only to find relevant vacancies, but also to improve your chances of getting to...
Putting your team on the bench? Many of you will already be carrying out immediate cash flow forecasting, speaking to your landlords about rental holidays or revised lease terms, discussing how best to pay your suppliers and revise credit terms. Many of you will also...