Five Ways To Reach Customers With Disabilities

Five Ways To Reach Customers With Disabilities

Increasingly for businesses, factoring in the needs of disabled customers from the start is becoming a crucial part of product development. Yet this huge market – the so-called “Purple pound” – remains largely untapped as many firms are failing...
An Industry Not At Ease

An Industry Not At Ease

This week’s blog reproduces parts of, and adds some of my own thoughts to a thoughtful blog from Brian Jacobs, on a subject that is very close to my heart, as regular readers will know – misogyny. Brian says “The more I look around, the more I read...
GBNews – The Ads on the Channel – and How They Got There

GBNews – The Ads on the Channel – and How They Got There

Last week saw the launch of the UK’s latest TV channel, GBNews, the brainchild of ex-News International executive Andrew Neil, funded for the most part by overseas entities. Our blog today is courtesy of Brian Jacobs, a man who knows more about media, advertising...