Content marketing has been a growing source of advertising revenue for news publishers in recent years and according to the Content Marketing Association is worth £5bn a year in the UK alone. But it has been particularly hard-hit by the pandemic. With in-flights...
The Cog Blog (a great resource and friends of ours) wrote a couple of weeks ago about some lessons learned over the years, illustrated with real-life examples. They asked the great Cog Blog reading population to contribute to the follow-up. So we did. “One that...
This week’s post comes from our friends at The Cog Blog. That great cartoon-strip philosopher Charlie Brown once said: “I have been repeating the same mistakes in life for so long now I may as well call them traditions.” Had Charlie Brown ever grown up he may very...
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is an important metric for businesses of all sizes and in all industries, but for SMEs, it can be especially useful and help you to compete with much larger brands. So, what exactly is CLV? Essentially, this is the average amount of money...
Last week we talked about some of the social listening platforms that are available out there, to help you track the market, your competitors and your brand – and ultimately to help you to better understand the ROI of your social media marketing. This week...
Earlier this month, Entrepreneur Handbook published a list of over 200 private and publicly-funded business grants available to UK businesses, including SMEs. Cash grants range from hundreds to thousands of pounds, the highest generally reaching up to £500,000. Grants...