Happy Bank Holiday Monday to those readers in the UK. I’m staying disciplined and getting the weekly blog out regardless of how much I’d rather be lounging around doing nothing. Let’s see how long the discipline lasts once lockdown eases and the pubs are open again…………..good job I usually write these on Mondays and not Saturdays 🙂

Last week I wrote about diversity in online advertising and this week I’m continuing the diversity theme with a focus on female leaders. This is a subject very close to my heart, as I’ve been involved with Women on Boards UK  for many years and am now a UK Ambassador for the organisation. Diversity on boards in the UK is so important – there’s plenty of research to show that more diverse boards perform better, including in terms of the bottom line.

eMarketer curated a special series of video interviews to coincide with Women’s History Month – conversations with women leaders on the challenges their companies have faced during the pandemic, unique approaches that have brought their brands success, and advice they have for other women transforming the modern workplace. These interviews may seem be very US in focus but the messages are just as relevant here in the UK and I always like to look at what marketers are doing in other markets.

  • Deloitte’s CMO, Suzanne Kounkel approaches “brandstanding” during times of social and political challenges
  • Danone’s vice president of marketing, North America, Sonika Patel built a value-based community rooted in health and wellness
  • Purely Elizabeth’s founder and CEO, Elizabeth Stein reallocated marketing dollars from in-store taste tests to digital discovery
  • Dickies’ vice president of global marketing, Kathy Hines prioritizes honest, authentic global messaging with a localised approach
  • Kibou’s co-founder and CEO, Nell Shaprio reimagined the diaper bag brand’s go-to market strategy with virtual touchpoints