Putting your team on the bench? Many of you will already be carrying out immediate cash flow forecasting, speaking to your landlords about rental holidays or revised lease terms, discussing how best to pay your suppliers and revise credit terms. Many of you will also...
The Government on 12th February 2020 published an updated White Paper on Online Harms. What does this mean for marketers, particularly social media marketers and social media agencies? There is still a lot that is unclear, but here’s our summary of some key...
Really interesting article on eMarketer today. Haven’t quite made my mind up yet, would be interested in what others think – email me at pamvick@caspiaconsultancy.co.uk. If you haven’t already heard, Instagram has begun hiding ‘likes’ for select...
“I need a brochure.” I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard this when I have asked prospective clients what their objective is or what they need in terms of help when they call me. My answer is always “Why?” and their response...
Sometimes you just have to think creatively Our Managing Director Pam Vick just dug these ads for Oxfam out of the Caspia archives. Pam was working for Leo Burnett Advertising at the time, who weren’t even the official agency for Oxfam. Along with a creative...