The advertising industry has become a place where machines have replaced people, jobs have become soul-less, and data is treated as royalty – this before AI gets into its stride. Much present-day advertising is ineffective, inefficient, unaccountable,...
With thanks to The Cog Blog. “One of the unintentionally hilarious things about LinkedIn is the number of earnest posts telling us all what we can learn from this event or that occurrence. ‘5 Things Every Marketer Should Take From King Charles’ Coronation’. The...
Words matter. We all know that and yet within the media world we use the same word to mean different things. Further, and worryingly we don’t let on that this is the case, thus causing confusion and misunderstandings. Take the simplest thing. We speak of digital...
Facebook has revealed for the first time how it decides what “problematic or low-quality” content should be demoted in its News Feed. The social media giant has often been criticised for not being transparent enough with decisions about what posts it effectively hides...
Everything Communicates Another great blog topic shamelessly taken and adapted from The Cog Blog. It’s a truism that everything a brand or company puts out there is in effect an ad. To quote William Randolph Hearst: “News is something somebody doesn’t want printed;...