Earlier this month Brian Jacobs chaired the advertising session at the annual asi video and audio measurement conference in Nice. This post is based on his opening remarks. “This session is all about looking at the world of audience measurement from an...
The blog post below is the latest from our friends at The Cog Blog. I would draw your attention in particular to this thought: Great media thinking has always been about putting your client’s messages in those places most likely to drive a return, to which I would...
An excellent piece as always from The Cog Blog today that I am reproducing in full because it’s important stuff. Mediatel Newsline has been carrying some excellent editorial pieces recently around the topic of media strategy. The latest, from Nick Manning is...
This blog introduces a really interesting study done recently by GWI. It’s a 70 page report with a huge amount of really useful up to date data. Key insights include: The gap between online and offline media is widening. Media has been affected by changed...
Everything Communicates Another great blog topic shamelessly taken and adapted from The Cog Blog. It’s a truism that everything a brand or company puts out there is in effect an ad. To quote William Randolph Hearst: “News is something somebody doesn’t want printed;...