Putting your team on the bench? Many of you will already be carrying out immediate cash flow forecasting, speaking to your landlords about rental holidays or revised lease terms, discussing how best to pay your suppliers and revise credit terms. Many of you will also...
A summary of the latest government support package, this time – finally – for the Self-Employed. As always, the devil is in the detail and there are many people who will still fall through the cracks. Read a detailed summary of who is eligible and who is...
Many FSB (Federation of Small Businesses) members have been experiencing weakness in trading in recent days, including all those in sectors that are consumer-facing, in the events industry and many more, this is now accelerating in response to the Coronavirus crisis....
I am a new convert to Curve, along with 600,000 others. With 2 business accounts and 2 personal, debit and credit cards for each, cloud accounting with my accountant and the impossibility of talking to a physical bank manager nowadays, as a small business owner I...